
I am sure most of you have heard of this ancient practice, I am also sure a lot of you don't believe it is useful for anything.  Well you couldn't be more wrong, this is one of the best and easiest practices to start doing, and it helps reduce stress and anxiety.  As well as gain creative flow again, help you focus on tasks that previously frustrated you.  It is usually a daily routine set early in the mornings, but you can do it any part of the day, and it only takes about 20 minutes a day, you can however do it for much longer if you wish.

Meditation can also lead to out of body experiences if you practice long enough, you mind is the ultimate drug, why hurt and abuse your body with these chemicals when you can jump into the deepest parts of your mind and see them as vivid a dream or even real life if you have the knack for it.

Some of the benefits of meditation.

Some ways to start the practice and tips if you start to wonder away from it.

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